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Thank you for accessing this page. It shows that you are interested in helping us meet
the needs of the ministry. All of your contributions are tax deductible because we are an IRS approved 501 C(3) non-profit organization.


Donations may be sent to our stateside office. If you are donating to a specific project,
please make the designation on a separate sheet of paper and send with your check.
Tax deductible statements are available at the end of the year upon request.


If you desire to contribute to our ministry, you may do so by making checks payable to
Invading the Darkness and sending to:

Invading the Darkness, Inc.
PO box 4663
Alpharetta GA 30023


Our office telephone number is: 770-497-1425.  Ask to speak to Maria. 

If prefer to send through PayPal and/or give with a credit card, use the donate button below.

Again, thank you for your generosity in helping us to meet the needs of the ministry.

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